Saturday 15 September 2012

Day 8- Ganges to Montpellier

Overnight Ganges had been transformed into a busy market place. After a leisurely breakfast and short walk around the market the riders departed for the final short stage to Montpellier. Sun shining but not too warm. Climbed out of Ganges on busy road with fast moving traffic passing close by- not very pleasant  start. A short descent after the climb and then we turned off onto a much quieter and more scenic route.
Riders were all in team colours and we really started to believe that we were part of pro team. As we knew the day was going to be very short there was plenty of messing around and racing each other up the hills - you will have to ask Gary who got to the top first.
With about only 15 miles to go we stopped for coffee and Pain au chocolat- we resisted the temptation to having a bottle of the champagne that was in the fridge in the boulangerie (champagne in a bakers? Very French) and set off for the final time.
Traffic and navigating in Montpellier was a nightmare and we were all totally focused on arriving in one piece. Loads of closed roads and one-ways. Sarah was also having a nightmare having initially gone to the wrong hotel and called to say that she was struggling to locate the hotel as we were.  Martin and Steve went off to try and locate the hotel and coincidentally found Sarah. Meanwhile the remaining riders discovered that they were standing just 150m from hotel!!

We had arrived-620 miles of cycling from North to South France in 8 days.

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