Monday 10 September 2012

Mystery cyclists

Can you correctly identify the seven cyclists? Answers tomorrow


  1. No! Cannot and they all look the same anyway - lots of lycra. Glad Simon is up and away again.

  2. Right, as no one else has tried, I will give it a go but I'm probs wrong! Here goes:-
    Martin, Steve, Aidan, Ian, Simon, Tim and Garry?? Gold star? Tried to go by colour of shoes and bike?

    Mary x

    1. Mary - I thought you would know your own husband!! Good try though.
      Correct order is Martin, Steve, Gary, Simon, Ian, Tim and Aidan. As there were no correct entries we will have to drink the prize ourselves!

  3. Ha ha - both Gary and Aidan have got great legs!
    Dont worry I will have a toast to you all here!
    Mary x
